What’s New?

You’ll find our latest information and updates in the menu at the very top of our site. Stay up-to-date with us!

  • Our West Seattle Be Prepared blog has our latest news and announcements, and you can learn more about our activities!
  • West Seattle Be Prepared is on Facebook (1300+ members, as of early 2017 ). This is a great place to post about, or read about, all types of emergency preparedness and disaster-related issues; this includes citywide training opportunities and other information. You’ll need an account to participate. Please join us there!
  • On Twitter, we are @wsbeprepared – tweet us! We don’t tweet often, but do plan to make better use of this great resource soon, especially during an emergency!
  • Our Event Calendar includes preparedness drills, classes and other training opportunities, weekly radio check-in’s, as well as  community events where we do outreach. We hope to see you out and about!
  • Check the citywide Seattle Emergency Hubs website for additional information.

Contact Us if you have news or announcements, events you hope we’ll attend, or if you have suggestions and questions.