How Will the Hubs Function During an Emergency?
Each participating hub has a “Hub Communication Go Kit” (a neighborhood emergency communications bag), which contains neighborhood-to-neighborhood GMRS radios, as well as other materials to aid in information sharing (see our activity reports in the Learn More section for additional details).
In the event of a serious emergency, pre-assigned people will take the Go Kits to each of the hub locations and “set up shop”. City officials, police and fire departments know of these hub locations and can use them as their points of contact in each neighborhood; this will help them better utilize their limited resources and respond more quickly.
During an emergency, signs (shown here) will be posted that will help you locate and find each hub. Look for our emergency communication hub placemark image on the sign.
Area residents, and those who happen to be in the area during a disaster, can come to any one of the Emergency Communication Hubs to find out more information and to communicate any information that they have. SNAP groups or Block Watch groups can send someone to report on behalf of their group.
CAN YOU HELP? If you are uninjured and able to help in some way, please come to a hub to volunteer your skills and/or resources!